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Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 29 » L2Tromos x3000 - Lineage II Tromos High Five Server

L2Tromos x3000 - Lineage II Tromos High Five Server


L2Tromos x3000 - Lineage II Tromos High Five Server


Custom High Five Server.

Tromos Network Server Features

Special Community Board have Features

  • Server Info
  • Gm Shop
  • Augment system
  • Custom Shop
  • Buffer
  • Class Master
  • Services
  • Statistic -Top PvP -Top Pk -Top PC bank Point -Top Hero -Top Castel -Epic Boss Spawn
  • Teleport With Save point of return

Custom Npc`s 

  • Custom Npc: Gm Shop
  • Custom Npc: Buffer + Scheme
  • Custom Npc: Color Manager
  • Custom Npc: Teleporter
  • Custom Npc: Server Info
  • Custom Npc: Angel Cat L2 Day 

About Epic Bosses

  • All Epic Bosses Retail like High Five Part 5
  • 7Sings +quests
  • Other Raid Bosses
  • Drop and Spoil Retail like
  • Proper system Olympiad High Five.
  • Works correctly transformation and flying transformation
  • Air route and clan ships.
  • Correct the siege of the forts and castles.
  • Dungeons forts and castles.
  • All three Paylaka.
  • Kamaloka, solo Kamaloka, maze Kamaloka.
  • System attributes Retail High Five.
  • The system of paired social action.
  • System Recommendations Retail High Five.
  • The system of the type of the party without a rebuild.
  • All new stuff Retail High Five.
  • Summon and dice now use Spirit Ore.
  • Buffs host passed summon.
  • Parameters attributes summons Retail High Five.
  • All new quests Retail High Five.
  • All of the old quests are changed according to the High Five.
  • The mechanism is identical to the calculation of drop off. server.
  • System blessing Nevit Retail High Five.
  • All new skills Retail High Five.
  • Lakfi-Lakfi Pig.

For more informations Please visit Forum

Good luck and have fun!

Рейты: x3000
Открытие: 30 октября 2012
Оцени сервер:
Рейтинг: 3.6/52

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Категория: High Five (Хай Файв) | Просмотров: 5007 | Добавил:
Всего комментариев: 1
1. Раджаб Магомедов (tankiword) [Материал]
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