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Споил и дроп A-grade рецептов брони

В Interlude рецепты на A-grade Броню можно соспойлить или выбить. Вот список с кого и что спойлится или выбивается:

Majestic Recipes

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Plate Armor (60%):
Tower of Insolence - Hallate's Guardian (Drop), Platinum Guardian Prefect (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor (60%):
Antharas Cave - Pytan (Drop), Bloody Banshee (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe (60%):
Forest of the dead - Bone Sweeper (Drop), Vampire Magician (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Cougar (Drop, Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets (60%):
Argos Wall - Homunculus (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Majestic Majestic Boots (60%):
Wall of Argos - Buffalo Slave (Drop), Eye of Watchman (Drop)

Tallum Recipes

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Plate Armor (60%):
Tower of Insolence- Slaughter Bathin (Drop), Mul's Knight (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor (60%):
Anthras Cave - Malruk Berserker (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic (60%):
Forest of the dead - Corrupted Knight (Drop), Resurrected Knight (Drop), Trampled Man (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings (60%):
Forest of the dead - Corrupted Guard (Drop), Slaughter Executioner (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Buffalo x4 (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots (60%)
Beast Farm - Alpen Kookaburra x4 (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves (60%):
Valley of saint - Judge of Light (Drop), Wailing of Splendor (Drop)

Dark Crystal Recipes

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate (60%):
Tower of Insolence - Hallate's Warrior (Drop), Platinum Tribe Soldier (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters (60%):
Tower of Insolence - Hallate's Knight (Drop), Hallate's Commander (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Mail (60%):
Antharas Cave - Plando (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings (60%):
Antharas Cave - Cave Howler (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe (60%):
Forest of the dead - Trampled Man (Drop, Spoil) Valley of saint - Alliance of Splendor (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Buffalo 4x (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves (60%):
Valley of saint - Punishment of Splendor (Drop), Judge of Splendor (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Kookaburra (Drop), Alpen Buffalo 2x (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Buffalo (Spoil)

Nightmare Recipes

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Plate Armor (60%):
Tower of Insolence - Platinum Tribe Warrior (Drop), Bound Warrior (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Leather Armor (60%) :
Antharas Cave - Pytan Knight (Drop), Bloody Keeper (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe (60%):
Forest of the dead - Requiem Lord (Drop), Vampire Wizard (Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Helmet (60%):
Beast Farm - Alpen Cougar (Drop, Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Gauntlets (60%):
Wall of Argos - Gaze of Nightmare (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Boots (60%):
Wall of Argos - Sly Hound Dog (Drop), Beast Farm - Alpen Kookaburra (Drop, Spoil)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Gloves (60%):
Wall of Argos - Gaze of Nightmare (Drop)

Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Shield (60%):
Alpen Cougar (Drop, Spoil)

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